productivity in the workplace

Productivity in the Workplace

Productivity in the workplace can make or break a business and having an office environment that inspires creativity and growth can motivate employees to work harder and be more productive. Here are some tips on how you can improve your workplace productivity:

Time Management

Time management is key to enhancing your performance and achieving your desired goals in a business. Tools such as Harvest help keep track of how long you spend on each project. Harvest can assist your team by letting you know exactly how much time you spend on daily tasks, including social media management, admin, copywriting and design.

For a to do list and reminders of what needs to be done, Wunderlist is a great tool to manage what tasks will be done on what day, how long a task should take and to add in any extra notes or comments on the task or the project status. This kind of task manager helps to ensure employees are not stressed and overloaded with work and that all the projects will be completed on time without being rushed or forgotten.

Office Space

Office space can impact your team’s culture, productivity and efficiency, as well as their general wellbeing at work. A well-defined workplace can improve focus and help get employees into the right headspace to work. At the Brand Collective office, we all share one big open office space, our team of 4 share one a big 2.3m by 2.4m desk and we have another desk for the Boss lady. The idea behind this is so that we can all have open discussions and brain storming sessions, bounce ideas off each other and to encourage cross team collaboration and innovation (Thanks for the big words Jan).

Monthly Check-ins

Every one or two months, depending on the size of your business, organise a one-one discussion with your employees just for a catch up on how things are going and how your employees are doing. These meetings can be beneficial to employee as you will create a safe space for employees to ask questions or share concerns. Check-ins help remove roadblocks and barriers for employees.

workplace productivity

4 Day Weeks 

A new every 2nd Friday off system has been introduced in the TBC office, every 2nd Friday a employee from the design section and the content creation section get the day off, this is done to help the employees get personal stuff done, take a break and come back to the office feeling fresh and ready for a productive week ahead. Natalie feels that this system has been as success for TBC so far.

“Nats quote.”

Take a break

A great way to promote health and wellbeing is to make sure your employees take their lunch breaks away from their desks and going for a short walk to get some fresh air, this can help their creativity and productivity process. Small breaks refresh employees and helps them be more productive in the workplace.


A workplace should be a space which inspires productivity, creativity and efficiency. Using helpful tools, taking the time to check in with employees and creating a motivational and positive workspace will help your business flourish.

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