A simple guide to using UGC (user-generated content) in your marketing strategy

It’s time to tap into the incredible resource that is UGC (user-generated content). Here we share a simple guide as to why you need to be leveraging UGC in your marketing strategy and how you can use this goldmine of stellar content created by your very own customers, fans, and followers.

Before we continue, it’s story time…. Let’s illustrate why UGC is so powerful. In 2021, a TikTok user made a video showing how a brand of skincare, Peter Thomas Roth, dramatically reduced the appearance of bags under her eyes. The video by Trinidad Sandoval went viral and the retailer said, “The amount that sold within less than a week is equivalent to what would normally sell in six months.”


What is User-Generated Content (UGC)?

User-generated content refers to any form of content, such as text, images, videos, reviews, or testimonials, that is created and shared by your followers and customers. The value of UGC is that authentic reviews and experiences shared by your customers creates a sense of credibility, which attracts other ideal clients to your business. Before we share some practical tips on employing UGC in your marketing strategy, let’s take a deep dive into the benefits of UGC:

Why UGC?


Consumers are bombarded with ads and sponsored content daily, which fuels their scepticism towards traditional marketing techniques and ‘over-selling’. What social media users really crave is genuine connection and authenticity. User-generated content is the antidote to scepticism. By sharing real-life reviews, your followers begin to trust your brand and offering.


User-generated content expands the reach of your business. When happy customers share their experience, the reach extends to other potential clients. This not only can expand your following but increase participation and engagement on your page. Authentic content deemed helpful sees a rise in comments, likes, tagging and sharing with a friend.


Let your customers do the work for you! Their word is as good as gold – in fact, their word is more powerful than what you say about your own business. While it’s important to use curated content and paid advertising, you might find that one piece of UGC content outperforms any curated or paid ad. This is the value of having a multi-stream content strategy, and UGC is a cost-effective addition to paid marketing.


Grow your brand affinity by sharing UGC, which in turn, fosters a sense of appreciation and community within your customer base. Customers who share UGC become brand advocates, influencing their peers’ purchasing decisions.


So, how best can you tap into UGC?

Determine the ideal platform for UGC

Identify what types of UGC perform best on each network and in which form to present the content. For example, visuals speak for themselves on Instagram and Twitter, while short video content on TikTok and longer video content on Facebook works well.

Run UGC Campaigns

Launch UGC contests, challenges, or giveaways to encourage more users to create and share content. Offer incentives like discounts, or exclusive access to your membership or offerings. Encourage creativity and originality while providing a framework for users to contribute their unique perspectives. It’s vital that you tell your audience what type of content you want. Are you looking for reviews, images, or videos? Would you like them to use a hashtag you’ve created?

Ask for users’ permission

Don’t use UGC without asking permission from the creator. Treat customers with kindness, show your appreciation, answer their questions and they’ll be likely not only to stick around, but become loyal customers!

Reshare stories and create a highlight

Re-share stories that mention your brand and create a highlight tab to showcase all your UGC stories.

By leveraging UGC, you can transform your social media presence into an engaging, authentic, and influential platform. Start tapping into the power of UGC and watch your community grow!

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Image credit: Freepik by rawpixel.com.